Основана в 1992 году
Частная школа «Золотое сечение»


27-31 января


The Moscow Lights Museum
Agrippina Meshcheryakova
On Monday, 27th January we had an excursion to The Moscow Lights Museum. It was a lesson of English outside classroom walls. I was looking forward to visiting this museum, because when I was there in 3rd grade I liked it very much.
It is a small museum that shows the types of lighting in Moscow from old times up to now. It is very beautiful inside because of the subdued light.
There are 4 showrooms where exhibits are presented. It was very interesting to see old lamps and to learn about the history of lighting in Moscow. I also liked that some things were interactive. We could touch almost everything.
The guide told us a lot of interesting facts I hadn’t known before. I liked the master class we had before the excursion. That was candle decoration. It was very cool. I love to draw and I love candles. Everyone drew what they wanted, and it was interesting. It was exciting to be a designer of your own candle. I love it when I have freedom. It was an informative and useful excursion to an unusual museum!

Sasha Dyumina
When we arrived at the museum we went to a special room for a master class. We were given plain candles to paint on. I don’t know why, but I drew an Italian flag on mine.
After we had spent half an hour on decorating, we went to the first exposition room. It seemed small at first, but in fact it was quite big because of the archy ceiling. There were dozens of lanterns and lamps in that room.
Our guide told us a lot of interesting facts about street lights and lamps. Every lantern had something special. Now I know that in our days we have sodium lamps that give orange light, or mercury ones that give blue light. The excursion was rather long, and it was not easy for me to focus as I couldn’t hear the guide well enough.
At the end of the excursion we were given our decorated candles wrapped in a cute way.
I would love to visit the Moscow Lights Museum again.
Timofey Tyurpenko
It didn’t take us long to get to the museum, but we had some problems with the bus on our way, so we had to walk to there.
Our excursion started with decorating candles. I drew a beautiful landscape with a house, a tree and the sky. After the master class we had an interesting «trip» to the history of Moscow street lighting. We started from the 17th century. At that time people didn’t have good illumination. They used burning sticks to light their houses, but sticks didn’t give a lot of light and people had to change them every 5 minutes to keep the light on.
Only in the 18th century oil lights were put on the streets of Moscow. But they didn’t make a big difference because the power of one oil streetlight was equal to the power of two candles. In the middle of the 19th century street lights changed radically. People started to use kerosene lights and the Muscovites then got a chance to walk along the illuminated streets to demonstrate their best clothes. At the end of the 19th century electric lamps that we still use today were invented. It was a revolution in street lighting.
At the end of the excursion we took our candles wrapped in transparent cellophane and went back to school.
It was a very interesting excursion that I liked a lot. I recommend everyone to go to this unique museum.
David Berger
Our excursion to the Moscow Lights Museum consisted of 2 parts. First, we painted the candles and then we had an excursion. I can say I was very active at the excursion and answered the questions our guide asked us. He told us the history of street lighting and lamps. I learned a lot of things about lamps. There are a lot of kinds of them. The oldest one is an oil lamp and the newest one is electric. The most interesting thing that I learned during the excursion was the structure of the lamps. I liked both painting the candles and the trip in general.
Ruslan Polzikov
On Monday 27th January our class visited the Moscow Lights Museum . The beginning was very practical, because we decorated some candles, using paints and our imagination. The work was very creative especially for the students, who are good at painting.
Then we listened to our guide who told us about the history of Moscow lights in English. It was very useful, because we could practise the language. We learnt a lot of interesting facts about lamps and their inventors. I was surprised to find out that the first electric lamp was made by a Russian scientist, so I felt pride for my country.
I found the excursion very exciting, funny and teaching. The end was fantastic, because we got our decorated candles back as a present.

28 января сборная команда нашей школы, в составе которой были Александр Никулин и Николай Кублицкий, принимала участие в футбольном турнире "Кубок ЦАО" и заняла II место. Поздравляем! Желаем новых побед и достижений!
До открытия зимних Олимпийских игр в Сочи осталось несколько дней. В четверг на ассамблее ведущие Дэвид Бергер и Николай Сухонин рассказали об истории олимпийских игр, о талисманах и девизе олимпиады, об олимпийском движении. Петя Захариков и Кирилл Мякотин представили олимпиаду в Нагано, которую мы будем презентировать в Бекасово.
Далее Денис Тульчинский рассказал о гонках формулы «Золотое сечение», которые проходили в прошлую пятницу, поблагодарил ребят за помощь в организации, обозначил проблемы и поделился планами на будущее. Александр Валерьевич познакомил с планами на февраль.
Завершилась неделя просмотром спектакля «Счастливый принц» в театре юного зрителя. Эту трогательную историю известный режиссер Кама Гинкас поставил по сказке Оскара Уальда. Добрый, пронзительный, откровенный спектакль, заставляющий задуматься о жестокости людей, интересующихся только собой, о людях, потерявших чуткость по отношению к окружающим. Но есть принц, ласточка – значит, еще не все потеряно… Оригинальная сценография, волшебная музыка усиливают впечатление от происходящего на сцене. Постановка «Счастливого принца» завораживает зрителей. Ждем отзывов одноклассников.
Алиса Сухонина и Николай Кублицкий
